Career Grown Planning

IT Career growth planning for 2023

I read quite a lot of professional development books and think about how the concepts can be applied to myself in IT recruitment or my candidates, seeking to grow their careers in the IT industry.

The great thing about the IT industry is that you can learn a lot online with near free resources.

The bad thing about the IT industry is that you can learn a lot online with near free resources.

The good? – train yourself, advance your career.

The bad? – many people aren’t great at motivating or training themselves, they need the external accountability that paying for an instructor led course brings.

Here’s a couple of things I recommend that might help you achieve your professional development and learning goals for the year 2023.

  1. Find out what kind of a person you are when it comes to meeting your own expectations of yourself in relation to goal achievement. Do the Four Tendencies quiz here to find this out.
  2. Read James Clear’s Atomic Habits book and apply it to the one habit of training yourself.
  3. Reach out to me for a list of study resources for the area of IT you want to train for.

Further reading recommendation: 2023 Certification Playbook

Need expert help in advancing your career IT in Western Australia? I’ve already help countless of IT professionals in Australia, perhaps I can do the same for your. Book your appointment with me here.

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